For health-conscious parents, Halloween can be tricky. Do you set limits? Do you let kids decide how much to eat? There isn't just one right answer. Instead, use your best judgment given what you know about your child's personality and eating habits.
Before kids go trick-or-treating, try to serve a healthy meal so they're not hungry when the candy starts coming in.
Kids who generally eat just a couple of pieces and save the rest might be trusted to decide how much to eat. But if your child tends to overdo it, consider setting limits.
Here are some more tips for handling the Halloween treats:
Know how much candy your child has collected and store it somewhere other than the child's room. Having it so handy can be an irresistible temptation for many kids.
Consider being somewhat lenient about candy eating on Halloween, within reason, and talk about how the rest of the candy will be handled. Candy and snacks shouldn't get in the way of kids eating healthy meals.
If a child is overweight — or you'd just like to reduce the Halloween stash — consider buying back some or all of the remaining Halloween candy. This acknowledges the candy belongs to the child and provides a treat in the form of a little spending money.
Be a role model by eating Halloween candy in moderation yourself. To help avoid temptation, buy your candy at the last minute and get rid of any leftovers.
Encourage your child to be mindful of the amount of candy and snacks eaten — and to stop before feeling full or sick.
You also can offer some alternatives to candy to the trick-or-treaters who come to your door. Here are some treats to think about giving out:
Non-food treats, like stickers, toys, temporary tattoos, false teeth, little bottles of bubbles and small games, like tiny decks of cards (party-supply stores can be great sources for these)
Snacks such as small bags of pretzels, sugar-free gum, trail mix, small boxes of raisins, and popcorn
Sugar-free candy
Small boxes of cereal
Steer clear of any snacks or toys — like small plastic objects — that could pose choking hazards to very young children.
And remember that Halloween, like other holidays, is a single day on the calendar. If your family eats sensibly during the rest of the year, it will have a more lasting impact than a few days of overindulgence. by. Mary L. Gavin, MD;
Rabu, 28 Januari 2009 Upload - Share - Earn
Yang menarik dari apa yang ditawarkan oleh adalah ketika seseorang mendownload file yang kita upload, kita akan mendapatkan $0,001. Tidak disebutkan secara jelas apakah dollar di sini adalah US $ atau HK $ mengingat penyedia layanan ini dari Hongkong. Jadi kita baru akan mendapat $1 ketika ada 1.000 orang yang mendownload file kita.
Untuk dapat mengupload, kita diharuskan untuk melakukan registrasi. Tanpa keharusan melakukan konfirmasi melalui email, kita sudah dapat langsung mengupload file-file foto, audio, video, dan file lainnya. Untuk jenis file foto, audio, dan video, dengan melalui menu accessories, kita dapat membuat album untuk file-file tersebut. Sayangnya, untuk file-file foto yang sudah saya coba, tidak ada tampilan thumbnail-nya, tetapi langsung menampilkan foto aslinya dengan navigasi untuk berpindah ke foto selanjutnya atau sebelumnya. Batasan file yang dibolehkan adalah 100MB per file, dan ketika melakukan multiupload, total maksimal seluruh file adalah 200MB.
Selain dibayar ketika ada yang mendownload file kita, menurut informasi dalam websitenya, kita juga akan dibayar $0,3 apabila mereferensikan orang lain untuk mendaftar dan mengupload filenya. Jadi, sekalian mencoba kebenaran layanan ini, jika Anda berniat mendaftar, dapat melalui link referensi saya di sini [link referensi]. Nanti saya informasikan kebenarannya melalui update pada entry ini, termasuk jika suatu saat nanti untuk penarikan pembayarannya yang bisa dilakukan melalui PayPal.
Untuk dapat mengupload, kita diharuskan untuk melakukan registrasi. Tanpa keharusan melakukan konfirmasi melalui email, kita sudah dapat langsung mengupload file-file foto, audio, video, dan file lainnya. Untuk jenis file foto, audio, dan video, dengan melalui menu accessories, kita dapat membuat album untuk file-file tersebut. Sayangnya, untuk file-file foto yang sudah saya coba, tidak ada tampilan thumbnail-nya, tetapi langsung menampilkan foto aslinya dengan navigasi untuk berpindah ke foto selanjutnya atau sebelumnya. Batasan file yang dibolehkan adalah 100MB per file, dan ketika melakukan multiupload, total maksimal seluruh file adalah 200MB.
Selain dibayar ketika ada yang mendownload file kita, menurut informasi dalam websitenya, kita juga akan dibayar $0,3 apabila mereferensikan orang lain untuk mendaftar dan mengupload filenya. Jadi, sekalian mencoba kebenaran layanan ini, jika Anda berniat mendaftar, dapat melalui link referensi saya di sini [link referensi]. Nanti saya informasikan kebenarannya melalui update pada entry ini, termasuk jika suatu saat nanti untuk penarikan pembayarannya yang bisa dilakukan melalui PayPal.
Hardisk 2TB Telah Tiba
Akhirnya, harddisk berukuran paling luas hingga saat ini diluncurkan oleh merek peranti keras kenamaan khusus penyimpan data, Western Digital (WD), berukuran 2TB, Selasa (27/01). Internal hardisk ini akhirnya menggeser Seagate, yang beberapa waktu lalu mengeluarkan seri Barracuda-nya berukuran 1.5TB, dengan menggunakan empat buah platter dan delapan head. Dengan begitu WD menjadi selangkah lebih maju, dengan 33% besaran kapasitas penyimpanan di atas Seagate.
WD20EADS juga didukung oleh teknologi Caviar Green HDD khas WD, yaitu dapat menjalankan putaran cakram dengan baik hanya menggunakan tenaga listrik yang kecil, jauh dari kebisingan, dan mampu mempertahankan temperatur udara dalam PC jauh lebih baik dari seri harddisk lainnya. Hardisk 3.5 inci ini masih menggunakan kecepatan putaran cakram 7.200RPM, dengan besaran cache 32MB, dan port SATA 3 Gb/s untuk penghubung ke motherboard.
Idealnya memang produk ini lebih pantas dijadikan sebagai perangkat internal, tapi kelebihan dari rendahnya tenaga yang dibutuhkan membuat penyimpan data ini cukup bersahabat untuk dijadikan harddisk eksternal. Jadi, tidak ada ruginya kita mengeluarkan uang kira-kira sebesar Rp.2.500.000, untuk penampung data super besar ini. Tidak ada lagi keluhan saat melakukan instalasi program yang membutuhkan kapasitas bergiga-giga, ataupun menciptakan sebuah karya yang melahirkan file ukuran puluhan giga, seperti desain multimedia. (
WD20EADS juga didukung oleh teknologi Caviar Green HDD khas WD, yaitu dapat menjalankan putaran cakram dengan baik hanya menggunakan tenaga listrik yang kecil, jauh dari kebisingan, dan mampu mempertahankan temperatur udara dalam PC jauh lebih baik dari seri harddisk lainnya. Hardisk 3.5 inci ini masih menggunakan kecepatan putaran cakram 7.200RPM, dengan besaran cache 32MB, dan port SATA 3 Gb/s untuk penghubung ke motherboard.
Idealnya memang produk ini lebih pantas dijadikan sebagai perangkat internal, tapi kelebihan dari rendahnya tenaga yang dibutuhkan membuat penyimpan data ini cukup bersahabat untuk dijadikan harddisk eksternal. Jadi, tidak ada ruginya kita mengeluarkan uang kira-kira sebesar Rp.2.500.000, untuk penampung data super besar ini. Tidak ada lagi keluhan saat melakukan instalasi program yang membutuhkan kapasitas bergiga-giga, ataupun menciptakan sebuah karya yang melahirkan file ukuran puluhan giga, seperti desain multimedia. (
Selasa, 27 Januari 2009
Free Logo Maker
Sebuah informasi ringan namun mudah-mudahan bermanfaat. Bagi anda yang ingin membuat sebuah logo yang unik untuk blognya, namun sedikit gaptek terhadap software-software grafik design, anda tidak usah berbingung ria dan larut dalam kesedihan yang amat sangat mendalam karena di alam cyber sana banyak sekali situs alias website yang menyediakan tool pembuat logo atau istilah kerennya yaitu Logo Maker Tool yang di persembahkan untuk anda secara gratiss..tiss..tiss alias tidak bayar dhenk. Satu diantara ribuan website penyedia layanan ini yang perbah kang rohman jajal kemampuanya yaitu situs yang beralamat di
Buat anda yang ingin mencoba, silahkan daftar dulu sebelum membuat sebuah logo, karena itu salah satu syarat yang dia minta. Proses cepat dan tidak rumit. Jika penasaran, coba saja kunjungi
Buat anda yang ingin mencoba, silahkan daftar dulu sebelum membuat sebuah logo, karena itu salah satu syarat yang dia minta. Proses cepat dan tidak rumit. Jika penasaran, coba saja kunjungi
Internet Marketing Companies, Online Marketing Degree, Online Marketing Service
Online Marketing Service, also referred to as Internet marketing service is about using the Internet as another channel to market your business or organization. It’s about broadening your Web visibility, attracting qualified visitors to your website or getting interested people to email or call without even needing to come to your site. When visitors do come, through on-site marketing efforts and strong features, you lead them to do what you want them to do: fill out a form, register for an event or make a purchase from you through the internet usage. Some people would be eased to make their necessary work about their company by providing online worker from other place to make their job more easy to do.
Online Marketing Service builds, executes and measures direct response strategies using the Internet. Some key areas that the company should consider to concentrate on are acquisition of specific information, retention of the data being given on the site, awareness of how the site should be handled, optimization of the site content and behavior, and conversion of details through a more useful resource to the users online.
Here are some of the processes that the company should consider in getting their online marketing more effective:
1. Define Your Goal - work together with every member of your company to help clearly define exactly what it is you want to accomplish towards a more fruitful future using the online marketing service and how to set up goals which are important to the company.
2. Develop the Plan – the company should develop strategic, effective and measurable direct response marketing plans designed to achieve the company goals. Through the company's efforts of each member, a more suitable and easy way of conducting the plan can be performed.
3. Execute the Plan - provide capable and experienced project management throughout the entire implementation process. Each member of the company should be reliable, thorough, well-connected, and determined to make satisfied clients that are connected to the company. With these at hand, satisfied clients are willing to cooperate and pay more for the efforts of the company.
4. Measure the Results - No online marketing campaign is complete without measuring the results. Internet marketing strategies take tracking and measuring of the clients website advertisements before implementation occurs. This way, the company can measure their effectiveness to the clients as well as how better they know their company's effectiveness in the process. With the good results that the company is displaying, more and more clients are willing to be with the company and won't have second thoughts of paying a good amount for a good service that the company offers. Clients' satisfaction are very vital when it comes to consideration about the company's main goal.
Online Marketing Degree generally refers to the degrees that are offered in the internet through advertisements and well-presented by different courses that are being offered by the colleges and universities throughout the globe. It most likely want to prepare individuals in undertaking and managing the process of developing consumer audiences and moving products from producers to consumers by the use of the internet.
A more easy way to determine whether you're making the right decision in improving and pursuing your career as student is to continue studying and taking one of the major courses that the college or university offers. Online Marketing Degree includes instruction in buyer behavior and dynamics, principle of marketing research, demand analysis, cost-volume and profit relationships, pricing theory, marketing campaign and strategic planning, market segments, advertising methods, sales operations and management, consumer relations, retailing, and applications to specific products and markets.
Many colleges and universities have come up with the idea of advertising their different online courses because through this, a more practical, faster and easier way of advertising through the web can be seen and noticed. They will no longer have to make certain advertisements through television and radios just around their country but through online marketing service. The degrees that they offer will be seen by anyone from anywhere around the globe by the use of the internet. An effective way of advertising without the high costing.
A slight example on the online marketing degree is the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Marketing (B.S.B.A./MKT.) which puts working professionals on a clear path to lifelong learning and success. Maximizing their career opportunities, making important contributions to the profession, reaching the potential—that define success.
Through a program that combines academic theory with practical application, and includes courses in Ethical Leadership and in Social Responsibility, the students will gain knowledge and experience in areas vital to business and society. This concentration will help the students develop insights into an organization’s marketing effort by learning not only the traditional disciplines of alternate marketing channels, sales management, advertising and research, but also emerging marketing approaches related to consumer motivation, global customer management, customer relationship management, and marketing on the Internet.
Another example of an online marketing degree is the Master of Business Administration in Marketing (M.B.A./MKT.), it provides students with the ability to examine the relationship between marketing and corporate strategy and the tools necessary for developing and implementing strong marketing tactics throughout the companies in which they work. Through a hands-on curriculum including case analyses, this specialization lays the practical groundwork necessary for students interested in strengthening or furthering their career as a marketing professional or decision maker.
Internet Marketing is a broad term that can include everything from pay-per-click management to a full-blown online marketing campaign that builds traffic and tracks site visitors to increase conversions from all mediums. Internet Marketing can be thought as encompassing all of the following disciplines: search engine optimization, pay-per-click management, link building and affiliate marketing.
Internet Marketing Companies work solely towards getting their client’s product or services marketed online, and this is really becoming something that modern businesses can’t live without. Obviously, an Internet marketing company can’t use the same techniques that a traditional advertising agency would use, such as television commercials and special promotions.
The things that an Internet marketing company can do are pretty amazing, though, because the costs are fairly low and the results can potentially reach a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing, which allows businesses to draw out an instant response from potential customers, is a unique quality of the medium. Internet marketing companies can bring creative and technical aspects together, including design, development, advertising and sales. Internet marketing methods include search engine optimization, pay per click management, display advertising, email marketing, interactive advertising, blog marketing, and viral marketing.
The services that an Internet marketing Company offers aren’t always something tangible that people can see, although things like banner ads and social media marketing (using sites like MySpace) are quite visible. Things like search engine optimization and pay per click management are more intangible, but they help promote a website by placing it where people will see it when they are looking for that type of product or service. Internet marketing companies grow and promote an organization using online media.
An Internet marketing company does not simply build a website or promote a website… They make that website visible to people who are likely to become real paying customers. For some reasons, people are making easier ways of advertising their products and news through the Internet because of its lower cost and its effectiveness. Consumers can see the products and massive orders and requests could be in any instant on line with the company which provides the products.
An online marketing campaign is necessary these days with the Internet become bigger and bigger by the day. Therefore, it is crucial to hire an effective Internet marketing company to help your business achieve the online results you are looking for.
Since the advent of the World Wide Web, there have been many new evolutions to online marketing. Thankfully, there are many Internet marketing companies that can show you the ropes about the industry so that you can capitalize with your online venture.
There is a wide variety of items that a quality Internet marketing company can provide to your business. One of the main sources of online marketing is in search engine optimization, commonly referred to as SEO. This process simply refers to the act of ensuring that your website appears in the top of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. This is achieved by submitting articles and keyword phrases all over the Internet because the more links that your website has on the Net, the higher your search engine ranking will be. Since most customers will choose to use the services of a company that is among the top ten in the search engines, SEO can work wonders for your online venture.
However, an Internet marketing company also has many other services that can benefit your business. Many of these particular companies also provide website designing and graphic design help that will make your website much more appealing to the public. If you search hard enough, you will be able to find a quality company that will produce your website from the ground up and then use SEO to ensure that your site gets the recognition it deserves.
by: Jan Michael Balasa,
Online Marketing Service, also referred to as Internet marketing service is about using the Internet as another channel to market your business or organization. It’s about broadening your Web visibility, attracting qualified visitors to your website or getting interested people to email or call without even needing to come to your site. When visitors do come, through on-site marketing efforts and strong features, you lead them to do what you want them to do: fill out a form, register for an event or make a purchase from you through the internet usage. Some people would be eased to make their necessary work about their company by providing online worker from other place to make their job more easy to do.
Online Marketing Service builds, executes and measures direct response strategies using the Internet. Some key areas that the company should consider to concentrate on are acquisition of specific information, retention of the data being given on the site, awareness of how the site should be handled, optimization of the site content and behavior, and conversion of details through a more useful resource to the users online.
Here are some of the processes that the company should consider in getting their online marketing more effective:
1. Define Your Goal - work together with every member of your company to help clearly define exactly what it is you want to accomplish towards a more fruitful future using the online marketing service and how to set up goals which are important to the company.
2. Develop the Plan – the company should develop strategic, effective and measurable direct response marketing plans designed to achieve the company goals. Through the company's efforts of each member, a more suitable and easy way of conducting the plan can be performed.
3. Execute the Plan - provide capable and experienced project management throughout the entire implementation process. Each member of the company should be reliable, thorough, well-connected, and determined to make satisfied clients that are connected to the company. With these at hand, satisfied clients are willing to cooperate and pay more for the efforts of the company.
4. Measure the Results - No online marketing campaign is complete without measuring the results. Internet marketing strategies take tracking and measuring of the clients website advertisements before implementation occurs. This way, the company can measure their effectiveness to the clients as well as how better they know their company's effectiveness in the process. With the good results that the company is displaying, more and more clients are willing to be with the company and won't have second thoughts of paying a good amount for a good service that the company offers. Clients' satisfaction are very vital when it comes to consideration about the company's main goal.
Online Marketing Degree generally refers to the degrees that are offered in the internet through advertisements and well-presented by different courses that are being offered by the colleges and universities throughout the globe. It most likely want to prepare individuals in undertaking and managing the process of developing consumer audiences and moving products from producers to consumers by the use of the internet.
A more easy way to determine whether you're making the right decision in improving and pursuing your career as student is to continue studying and taking one of the major courses that the college or university offers. Online Marketing Degree includes instruction in buyer behavior and dynamics, principle of marketing research, demand analysis, cost-volume and profit relationships, pricing theory, marketing campaign and strategic planning, market segments, advertising methods, sales operations and management, consumer relations, retailing, and applications to specific products and markets.
Many colleges and universities have come up with the idea of advertising their different online courses because through this, a more practical, faster and easier way of advertising through the web can be seen and noticed. They will no longer have to make certain advertisements through television and radios just around their country but through online marketing service. The degrees that they offer will be seen by anyone from anywhere around the globe by the use of the internet. An effective way of advertising without the high costing.
A slight example on the online marketing degree is the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Marketing (B.S.B.A./MKT.) which puts working professionals on a clear path to lifelong learning and success. Maximizing their career opportunities, making important contributions to the profession, reaching the potential—that define success.
Through a program that combines academic theory with practical application, and includes courses in Ethical Leadership and in Social Responsibility, the students will gain knowledge and experience in areas vital to business and society. This concentration will help the students develop insights into an organization’s marketing effort by learning not only the traditional disciplines of alternate marketing channels, sales management, advertising and research, but also emerging marketing approaches related to consumer motivation, global customer management, customer relationship management, and marketing on the Internet.
Another example of an online marketing degree is the Master of Business Administration in Marketing (M.B.A./MKT.), it provides students with the ability to examine the relationship between marketing and corporate strategy and the tools necessary for developing and implementing strong marketing tactics throughout the companies in which they work. Through a hands-on curriculum including case analyses, this specialization lays the practical groundwork necessary for students interested in strengthening or furthering their career as a marketing professional or decision maker.
Internet Marketing is a broad term that can include everything from pay-per-click management to a full-blown online marketing campaign that builds traffic and tracks site visitors to increase conversions from all mediums. Internet Marketing can be thought as encompassing all of the following disciplines: search engine optimization, pay-per-click management, link building and affiliate marketing.
Internet Marketing Companies work solely towards getting their client’s product or services marketed online, and this is really becoming something that modern businesses can’t live without. Obviously, an Internet marketing company can’t use the same techniques that a traditional advertising agency would use, such as television commercials and special promotions.
The things that an Internet marketing company can do are pretty amazing, though, because the costs are fairly low and the results can potentially reach a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing, which allows businesses to draw out an instant response from potential customers, is a unique quality of the medium. Internet marketing companies can bring creative and technical aspects together, including design, development, advertising and sales. Internet marketing methods include search engine optimization, pay per click management, display advertising, email marketing, interactive advertising, blog marketing, and viral marketing.
The services that an Internet marketing Company offers aren’t always something tangible that people can see, although things like banner ads and social media marketing (using sites like MySpace) are quite visible. Things like search engine optimization and pay per click management are more intangible, but they help promote a website by placing it where people will see it when they are looking for that type of product or service. Internet marketing companies grow and promote an organization using online media.
An Internet marketing company does not simply build a website or promote a website… They make that website visible to people who are likely to become real paying customers. For some reasons, people are making easier ways of advertising their products and news through the Internet because of its lower cost and its effectiveness. Consumers can see the products and massive orders and requests could be in any instant on line with the company which provides the products.
An online marketing campaign is necessary these days with the Internet become bigger and bigger by the day. Therefore, it is crucial to hire an effective Internet marketing company to help your business achieve the online results you are looking for.
Since the advent of the World Wide Web, there have been many new evolutions to online marketing. Thankfully, there are many Internet marketing companies that can show you the ropes about the industry so that you can capitalize with your online venture.
There is a wide variety of items that a quality Internet marketing company can provide to your business. One of the main sources of online marketing is in search engine optimization, commonly referred to as SEO. This process simply refers to the act of ensuring that your website appears in the top of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. This is achieved by submitting articles and keyword phrases all over the Internet because the more links that your website has on the Net, the higher your search engine ranking will be. Since most customers will choose to use the services of a company that is among the top ten in the search engines, SEO can work wonders for your online venture.
However, an Internet marketing company also has many other services that can benefit your business. Many of these particular companies also provide website designing and graphic design help that will make your website much more appealing to the public. If you search hard enough, you will be able to find a quality company that will produce your website from the ground up and then use SEO to ensure that your site gets the recognition it deserves.
by: Jan Michael Balasa,
Rabu, 21 Januari 2009
Selasa, 20 Januari 2009
Amazing Journey
A place for fun & fine articles
Bisnis Online PTC Pulsa Hosting
Bojonegoro Kota Cheluz
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Elektronik Gratis
Elegant Wardrobe
Mebel dan Souvenir
Rumah Islami
Tips dan Triks
Toko Boneka
Amazing Journey
A place for fun & fine articles
Bisnis Online PTC Pulsa Hosting
Bojonegoro Kota Cheluz
Belajar dan Berbagi
Elektronik Gratis
Elegant Wardrobe
Mebel dan Souvenir
Rumah Islami
Tips dan Triks
Toko Boneka
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