Jumat, 27 Februari 2009

The Lightning Flash Before The Flood

Flash floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States, and because of their unpredictability they’re the leading weather-related cause of death for Americans. They usually arrive with little or no warning, but a Tel Aviv University researcher is trying to predict where and when they will occur ― using lightning.
Prof. Colin Price, coordinator of the international “Flash Project” and head of the Geophysics and Planetary Physics Department at Tel Aviv University, is studying the link between lightning and subsequent flash floods. The three-year study includes scientists from five European countries, and its results are expected to be adopted by weather forecasting agencies around the world.

The goal is to develop an early warning system for people in the path of a flood. “Flash floods are different from normal floods, which are often the product of melting snow. Flash floods are short-lived and dump a lot of rain,” says Prof. Price, a climate change specialist. “Using the radiation emitted from lightning flashes, we’ve developed a system that can give adequate warning to the public ― and save lives.”

Eventually, the Flash system may be used to send messages to cell phones, RSS feeds, GPS units and other devices to warn people in the path of a flash flood and avert disaster.

“Nowcasting” for Flood Warnings

Unlike normal floods which arrive slowly and with more warning, flash floods are particularly dangerous because they happen so quickly, developing from thunderstorms that form in a matter of hours. By measuring the radiation emitted by lightning, researchers can pinpoint the most intense thunderstorms, and the resulting rainfall can be located and tracked.

This data has been used to predict both the path of a storm and where heavy rainfall will appear ― crucial predictions, since the impact of flash floods depends on ground topography, slope and vegetation cover. “Nowcasting,” which predicts what conditions will be in the next few hours, versus “forecasting” a day or two in advance of expected weather conditions, is critical.

Looking at real-time lightning data, Tel Aviv University researchers can see where storms will travel over a period of a few hours, and can warn people in the path of the flood of impending danger. Such a tool will become even more relevant as erratic weather patterns, predicted by climate-change scientists today, become a reality tomorrow.

A Flood of Warnings Delivered in a Flash

The research from the Flash program can be extrapolated for use anywhere in the world, including the flash flood-prone regions of the U.S. For example, the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network could easily apply the results of the Flash research.

“This is a tool for the future,” says Prof. Price. “And it will be even more exciting in the next decade, when we’ll have continuous real-time detection of lightning activity from satellites. That data will be used to predict floods anywhere.” The U.S. will also have geostationary satellites with lightning trackers that will take a picture every 15 minutes from 36,000 kilometers above the earth.

Birds' Movements Reveal Climate Change In Action

The northward and inland movement of North American birds, confirmed by thousands of citizen-observations, has provided new and powerful evidence that climate change is having a serious impact on natural systems, according to a new report by Audubon (BirdLife in the USA). The findings signal the need for dramatic policy changes to combat pervasive ecological disruption.
Analyses of citizen-gathered data from the past 40 years of Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count reveal that 58% of the 305 widespread species that winter on the continent have shifted significantly north since 1968, some by hundreds of kilometres. Movement was detected among species of every type, including more than 70% of highly adaptable forest and feeder birds. Only 38% of grassland species mirrored the trend, reflecting the constraints of their severely-depleted habitat and suggesting that they now face a double threat from the combined stresses of habitat loss and climate adaptation.

Population shifts among individual species are common and can have many causes. However, Audubon scientists say the ongoing trend of movement by some 177 species—closely correlated to long-term winter temperature increases—reveals an undeniable link to the changing climate.

"Birds are showing us how the heavy hand of humanity is tipping the balance of nature and causing ecological disruption in ways we are just beginning to predict and comprehend", said report co-author and Audubon Director of Bird Conservation, Dr Greg Butcher. "Common sense dictates that we act now to curb the causes and impacts of global warming to the extent we can, and shape our policies to better cope with the disruptions we cannot avoid."

Movements across all species averaged approximately 56 kilometres during the period. However, it is the complete picture of widespread movement and the failure of some species to move at all that illustrates the potential for problems.

* Purple Finch Carpodacus purpureus, Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus, and Boreal Chickadee Parus hudsonicus have retreated dramatically north into the Canadian Boreal, their ranges moving an estimated 500, 395, and 340 kilometres respectively over 40 years.

* Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator, Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris, and American Black Duck Anas rubripes, normally found in southern-tier states, have all taken advantage of warmer winter waters and have shifted their ranges north by an estimated 393, 272, and 226 kilometres.

* Only 10 of 26 grassland species moved north significantly, while nine moved south. Species such as Eastern Meadowlark Sturnella magna, Vesper Sparrow Pooecetes gramineus, and Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia were likely unable to move despite more moderate northern temperatures because essential grassland habitat areas have disappeared, having been converted to intensive human uses such as row crops, pastures, and hayfields. In combination, global warming and ongoing overuse of grasslands by humans will doom grassland birds to continued population declines.

"Birds provide some of the best evidence for species's responses to climate change, through their population size, distribution and timing of breeding and migration", said Dr Stuart Butchart, BirdLife's Global Research and Indicators Coordinator. "There is now plenty of evidence that bird species are shifting their ranges northwards and to higher altitudes, and that their timing of breeding and migration is shifting forwards in response to climate change."

New Oil Deposits Can Be Identified Through Satellite Images

A new map of the Earth’s gravitational force based on satellite measurements makes it much less resource intensive to find new oil deposits. The map will be particularly useful as the ice melts in the oil-rich Arctic regions. Ole Baltazar, senior scientist at the National Space Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space), headed the development of the map.The US company Fugro, one of the world’s leading oil exploration companies, is one of the companies that have already made use of the gravitational map. The company has now initiated a research partnership with DTU Space.

“Ole Baltazar’s gravitational map is the most precise and has the widest coverage to date,” says Li Xiong, Vice President and Head Geophysicist with Fugro. “On account of its high resolution and accuracy, the map is particularly useful in coastal areas, where the majority of the oil is located.”

Satellite measurements result in high precision

Ole Baltazar’s map shows variations in gravitational force across the surface of the Earth and knowledge about these small variations is a valuable tool in oil exploration. Subterranean oil deposits are encapsulated in relatively light materials such as limestone and clay and because these materials are light, they have less gravitational force than the surrounding materials.

Ole Baltazar’s map is based on satellite measurements and has a hitherto unseen level of detail and accuracy. With this map in your hands, it is, therefore, easier to find new deposits of oil underground.

Climate change is revealing new sea regions

The gravitational map from DTU Space is unique on account of its resolution of only 2 km and the fact that it covers both land and sea regions. Oil companies use the map in the first phases of oil exploration. Previously, interesting areas were typically selected using protracted, expensive measurements from planes or ships. The interesting areas appear clearly on the map and the companies can, therefore, plan their exploration much more efficiently.

“The map will also be worth its weight in gold when the ice in the Arctic seriously begins to melt, revealing large sea regions where it is suspected that there are large deposits of oil underground. With our map, the companies can more quickly start to drill for oil in the right places without first having to go through a resource-intensive exploration process,” explains Ole Baltazar.

Based on height measurements instead of direct gravitation measurements

The success of the gravitational map is due in large part to the fact that it is not based on direct gravitation measurements but on observations of the height of the sea, which reflects the gravitation.

“Height measurements have the advantage that it is possible to determine the gravitational field very locally and thus make a gravitational map with a resolution of a few km. For comparison, the resolution of satellite measurements of gravitational force is typically around 200 km. Satellite gravitation measurements are used, for example, to explore conditions in the deeper strata of the Earth, but are not well suited to our purposes,” Ole Baltazar explains.

NASA Survey Confirms Climate Warming Impact On Polar Ice Sheets

In the most comprehensive survey ever undertaken of the massive ice sheets covering both Greenland and Antarctica, NASA scientists confirm climate warming is changing how much water remains locked in Earth's largest storehouse of ice and snow.Other recent studies have shown increasing losses of ice in parts of these ice sheets. This new survey is the first to inventory the losses of ice and the addition of new snow on both continents in a consistent way throughout an entire decade.

The survey shows that there was a net loss of ice from the combined polar ice sheets between 1992 and 2002 and a corresponding rise in sea level. The survey documents for the first time extensive thinning of the West Antarctic ice shelves and an increase in snowfall in the interior of Greenland, as well as thinning at the edges. All are signs of a warming climate predicted by computer models.

The survey, published in the Journal of Glaciology, combines new satellite mapping of the height of the ice sheets from two European Space Agency satellites. It also used previous NASA airborne mapping of the edges of the Greenland ice sheets to determine how fast the thickness is changing.

In Greenland, the survey saw large ice losses along the southeastern coast and a large increase in ice thickness at higher elevations in the interior due to relatively high rates of snowfall. This study suggests there was a slight gain in the total mass of frozen water in the ice sheet over the decade studied, contrary to previous assessments.

This situation may have changed in just the past few years, according to lead author Jay Zwally of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Last month NASA scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., reported a speed up of ice flow into the sea from several Greenland glaciers. That study included observations through 2005; Zwally's survey concluded with 2002 data.

When the scientists added up the overall gains and loses of ice from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, there was a net loss of ice to the sea. The amount of water added to the oceans (20 billion tons) is equivalent to the total amount of freshwater used in homes, businesses and farming in New York, New Jersey and Virginia each year.

"The study indicates that the contribution of the ice sheets to recent sea-level rise during the decade studied was much smaller than expected, just two percent of the recent increase of nearly three millimeters a year," says Zwally. "Continuing research using NASA satellites and other data will narrow the uncertainties in this important issue."

NASA is continuing to monitor the polar ice sheets with the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), launched in January 2003. ICESat uses a laser beam to measure the elevation of ice sheets with unprecedented accuracy three times a year. The first comprehensive ice sheet survey conducted by ICESat is expected early next year, said Zwally, who is the mission's project scientist.

Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Major ice-shelf loss

The ice shelves in Canada's High Arctic have lost a colossal area this year, scientists report.
The floating tongues of ice attached to Ellesmere Island, which have lasted for thousands of years, have seen almost a quarter of their cover break away.
One of them, the 50 sq km (20 sq miles) Markham shelf, has completely broken off to become floating sea-ice.
Researchers say warm air temperatures and reduced sea-ice conditions in the region have assisted the break-up.
"These substantial calving events underscore the rapidity of changes taking place in the Arctic," said Trent University's Dr Derek Mueller.
"These changes are irreversible under the present climate."

Scientists reported in July that substantial slabs of ice had calved from Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, the largest of the Ellesmere shelves.
Similar changes have been seen in the other four shelves.
As well as the complete breakaway of the Markham, the Serson shelf lost two sections totalling an estimated 122 sq km (47 sq miles), and the break-up of the Ward Hunt has continued.
Cold remnants
The shelves themselves are merely remnants of a much larger feature that was once bounded to Ellesmere Island and covered almost 10,000 sq km (3,500 sq miles).
Over the past 100 years, this expanse of ice has retreated by 90%, and at the start of this summer season covered just under 1,000 sq km (400 sq miles).
Much of the area was lost during a warm period in the 1930s and 1940s.
Temperatures in the Arctic are now even higher than they were then, and a period of renewed ice shelf break-up has ensued since 2002.
Unlike much of the floating sea-ice which comes and goes, the shelves contain ice that is up to 4,500 years old.
A rapid sea-ice retreat is being experienced across the Arctic again this year, affecting both the ice attached to the coast and floating in the open ocean.
The floating sea-ice, which would normally keep the shelves hemmed in, has shrunk to just under five million sq km, the second lowest extent recorded since the era of satellite measurement began about 30 years ago.
"Reduced sea-ice conditions and unusually high air temperatures have facilitated the ice shelf losses this summer," said Dr Luke Copland from the University of Ottawa.
"And extensive new cracks across remaining parts of the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf mean that it will continue to disintegrate in the coming years."
Loss of ice in the Arctic, and in particular the extensive sea-ice, has global implications.
The "white parasol" at the top of the planet reflects energy from the Sun straight back out into space, helping to cool the Earth.
Further loss of Arctic ice will see radiation absorbed by darker seawater and snow-free land, potentially warming the Earth's climate at an even faster rate than current observational data indicates.

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

Best Colleges 2009 In USA

Harvard tops this year's list of America's Best Colleges from U.S. News & World Report. It's the first time since 1996 that the Cambridge, Mass., university is alone at the top of the National Universities category. Princeton and Yale come in second and third, respectively, while Amherst College and Williams College share the No. 1 spot on the Liberal Arts Colleges list.

This year, Harvard managed to beat perennial No. 1 Princeton by one 10th of a point in the reputation survey the magazine sends out to college administrators across the country, in addition to making slight improvements in some of the other statistical measures. Harvard, which has a nearly $35 billion endowment, made big news last December when it announced that it would increase the financial packages it offers to students from families that earn $180,000 or less. The move was a dramatic leap beyond the $60,000 threshold that other highly selective universities had been using to determine which students were eligible for the most generous assistance packages. In another PR boost for the nation's oldest university, last school year was also Harvard's first under the guidance of President Drew Gilpin Faust. Her predecessor, Lawrence Summers, left after making controversial remarks about women in the science disciplines.

The reputation survey that U.S. News sends to top college officials at each school counts for 25 percent of a college's ranking. The other 75 percent is based on quantitative data that assesses a college's performance in areas such as graduation and retention rates, faculty resources, financial resources, student selectivity, and alumni giving. Each year, the formula is reassessed to stay on top of recent developments in higher education. For example, just as Harvard and dozens of other colleges recently have made adjustments to become more accessible to families of lesser financial means, U.S. News has incorporated data about the proportion of low-income students a school enrolls into its ranking measurements.

These periodic methodology adjustments make flat year-to-year comparisons of a school's U.S. News ranking somewhat misleading. Nevertheless, alumni always tend to take note of which schools have gained an edge on their academic rivals. For example, in the National Universities list this year, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology finished in fourth place, besting its West Coast rival, the California Institute of Technology, which landed in sixth place. Last year, Caltech held the edge with a fifth place ranking while MIT placed seventh. Part of the difference: MIT improved its faculty resources statistics slightly, while Caltech dipped there a little. (As in Olympic swimming, slightly better performance makes a big difference in results at this level of rankings.)

Over on the Liberal Arts Colleges list, this year the United States Military Academy was ranked 14th, besting its rival, the United States Naval Academy, which held the 22nd slot. Last year, Navy had the edge, finishing 20th while Army was 22nd.

Top 25 National Universities
Harvard University
: AP

1. Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

2. Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

3. Yale University
New Haven, CT
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

Photo: AP

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

4. Stanford University
Stanford, CA
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

University of Pennsylvania
: Courtesy of U Penn

6. University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

6. California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

Columbia University
: AP

8. Columbia University
New York, NY
2007 Total Enrollment

2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

8. Duke University
Durham, NC
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

8. University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

Dartmouth College
: AP

11. Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

12. Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

12. Washington University
St. Louis, MO
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

Cornell University
: AP

14. Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

15. Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

Brown University
: AP

16. Brown University
Providence, RI
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

17. Rice University
Houston, TX
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

18. Emory University
Atlanta, GA
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

University of Notre Dame
Photo: Courtesy of Notre Dame

18. University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

18. Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

21. University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
In-state: $8,932
Out-of-state: $29,540
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

Carnegie Mellon University
: AP

22. Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

23. Georgetown University
Washington, D.C.
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

23. University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
In-state: $9,300
Out-of-state: $26,900
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar

University of California at L.A.
Photo: Courtesy of UCLA

25. University of California
at Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA
2007 Total Enrollment
2008-2009 Tuition and Fees
In-state: $7,034
Out-of-state: $26,102
Application Deadline
Academic Calendar


Oh My God, It really happen in my country

Hari ini aku mendapatkan sebuah email dari milis yang aku ikuti, isinya membuat saya sangat shock, tidak percaya, unbelievable, tapi apa kata karena ada bukti fotonya. Foto itu melibatkan salah satu tokoh politukus yang menurut saya beliau adalah salah satu orang yang berpengaruh di negeri ini, yaitu Ibu Megawati, pemimpin partai PDI Perjauangan bekas presiden wanita petama indonesia. Ritual tersebut mengharuskan calon legislatif yang bakal maju dalam pemilu bulan April 2009 ini meminum air bekas cucian kaki Megawati.

Mudah-mudahan foto tersebut tidak benar, karena seharusnya seorang negarawan yang baik harus mencegah hal tersebu terjadi, apa jadinya kalau seorang negarawan yang notabene adalah panutan di negeri ini membiarkan ritual yang tidak masuk akal itu terjadi. Akan kemana negeri ini? Negeri ini membutuhkan seorang negarawan yang dapat dijadikan panutan, sebagai pembimbing dari negeri ini yang sudah carut marut wajah perilakunya, contoh yang paling mutakhir ini adalah kasus Ponari yang sangat menghebohkan. Rakyat sudah mulai menunjukkan perilaku yang sudah sangat melenceng dari yang seharusnya, ilmu pengetahuan dan agama sudah tidak dapat membendung perilaku perilaku menyimpang. Apakah mungkin meminum celupan batu ponari, bekas cucian kaki seorang pemimpin akan dapat merubah nasib seseorang? Adapun klo berubah, itu hanya kebetulan saja, tidak karena air tersebut.

Posting saya ini tidak bermaksud untuk menjelek-jelekkan ibu megawati, tidak dalam rangaka apapun, karena hal semacam ini tidaklah patut dilakukan. Mudah-mudahan foto tersebut adalah salah.

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

5 Ways to Help if You've Been Diagnosed With Cancer

A person newly diagnosed with cancer” needs help as they will be in shock and will blindly follow the authority without stopping and applying any common sense. A person newly diagnosed does indeed need all the help they can get so let’s look at what you can do to help overcome the problem of cancer.

Here in this article you will find genuine help with facts and information on cancer, so you can learn a little about the disease and can then select your best treatment options.
When one is first diagnoses with cancer one is completely bewildered as why they got it. It’s because we don’t have cancer prevention today except being told not to smoke and don’t get sunburnt, where as cancer has many causes and its help with this information you need. That unwanted growth grew for a reason and it grew because we are not told all the factors that cause it.
Cancer is related to the way we live, especially with the consumption of the many foods we eat on a daily bases that are not suitable for the human body. Proof of that is cancer is not evenly distributed around the world and is only a major problem in developed countries where as it is rare in undeveloped counties where people eat a more natural diet. Treatments today are solely focused on removing the cancer growths but give scant regard to the all important reason why it first grew. That is why it often returns. They haven’t addressed the underlying cause of the problem.
Cancer does not have a single cause but has dozens of causes and one needs to look at all of these.

Step 1. Change the foods that you eat as what we eat everyday is the foundation of our health. We human’s are designed to eat freshly grown fruit and vegetables, some whole grains and nuts. Of course our diets today have strayed far from those foods and many of the foods we now consume contain fat, salt or refined sugar, which are all known contributors to cancer. A strict natural diet is of paramount importance.

Step 2. Exercise is very important to a person that has been diagnosed with cancer as we are designed to be active. Exercise boosts the immune system, our built in repair system which keeps us healthy and cancer is simply a disease of a weak immune system that has been weakened by the way we live. A strong immune system not only keeps us healthy but will attack and remove cancer cells.

Step 3. Remove all chemicals that we surround ourselves with now days. Many of these chemicals affect us and none have been tested for long term effects like cancer. Personal care products are probably the worst as we apply them directly to our skin and the chemicals are then absorbed into our body through our pores. There are many others including fly sprays which we all believe to harmless but are all contributing to weakening our immune system.

Step 4. Many people newly diagnosed with cancer have had a major disruption in their life like a personal tragedy or a financial crisis and it’s this emotional stress that can have a devastating affect on the immune system. My suggestion here is to seek the help of a professional councillor and help work through the problem.

Step 5. More important than eating the correct food is to remove the unsuitable food that we consume every day. Processed foods are nutritionally dead food as many of them contain refined sugar. Refined sugar is cancer cells natural source of energy and that fact was proven way back in 1931.

Our orthodox treatments today reflect the way we live, meaning, we just want to rid the body of these unwanted growths as quickly as possible …and radiation and chemotherapy are good at that, to some degree.
A natural approach to cancer can be quite demanding as it requires big changes in lifestyle, especially with the foods we eat. But millions of people worldwide have successfully cured themselves by making these changes and have become cancer free. Curing cancer is easier if you’re mentally prepared and fully educated on the subject.

Cancer Issues : Understanding the Process of Death

It’s important to go through the cancer journey with a positive and hopeful attitude. Today, more cancer patients than ever are beating the disease and living productive lives for many years. However, we all know that there are times when the outcome is not what we had hoped. In such cases, it’s important for close family members and caregivers to understand the process of death and be prepared for it.

No doubt you’re facing your loved one’s death with heartache and sadness. But, you may be facing it with trepidation, too. If you’ve never experienced the actual process of a loved one dying, you may be fearful and unsure of what to expect. Our minds hold images and predispositions about the experience of death that may be difficult to shake. Learning more about a person’s last earthly days can help us get through this experience with more comfort and can help us actually experience the event, rather than shrinking away from it.

Fiona’s first experience with the end of a loved one’s life came when her mother passed away. “I can tell you with in absolute truth that it changed my feelings about death forever,” she said. “I spent the last five days of my mother’s life by her side, and I will be forever grateful that I had this opportunity. I now truly see death as a part of a cycle because I witnessed a peaceful and prepared transition by my mother”. If you’re preparing to experience a loved one’s death with them, there are some things you might want to know.

The body can take days to shut down. During this time, it’s difficult to know how long your loved one will be cognizant. But, during their times of awareness, they are likely to be at peace about dying and intently working on their transition. In many cases, they will have some “unfinished business” that they need to attend to. This may be as simple as saying goodbye to a number of people, or they may have “revelations” that they need to make to certain loved ones. They may wish to give away certain items. Don’t try to stop your loved one from having these conversations or even giving away possessions. Their passing is easier for them when they feel that they have “finished up”.

At some point, your loved one may lose contact with their current setting. They may talk to you about past times and they may fret out loud about things they worried over in the past. Reassure them, but don’t try to convince them that their musings are not real. Their mind is combing through their life. Let them relive it at their own pace.

Your loved one may also begin to spend time in the “afterlife”. This concept may fall outside of your realm of beliefs, but it is not uncommon to hear those near death talking to loved ones who have gone on before them. Regardless of your own beliefs about an afterlife, allow them these conversations without prejudice. If you can, take comfort that they are seeing those they have loved and may be looking forward to reuniting with them.

During this time of transition, your loved one will lose interest in the trappings of this life. They’re not likely to ask for food or drink. As their body shuts down, they will no longer feel hungry or thirsty. Forcing food and drink at this time may actually cause them discomfort, as their body will have more trouble with digestion as it begins to shut down.

Finally, your loved one may lose consciousness for some time before death occurs. This is normal, and you can rest assured that they are likely in no pain or discomfort. You can still feel free to talk to them and reassure them. Experts on death typically say that hearing is the last sense to fade away. They may feel your presence and your words even though they cannot respond.

Death will likely come very quietly. And, you may be surprised to find that you are more comfortable sitting with your loved one’s body than you expected. It’s ok to take some time before letting their body be transported away.

We’ve all had a loved one die – but not all of us have been a part of another’s final experiences. The prospect of being with a person when they die can be very frightening. However, it can also be a fitting end to a long relationship and a life experience that you will treasure years down the road.

Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Cek Adsense diganti Western Union

Bagi publisher adsense sepertinya sudah banyak yang tahu, disamping dari email yang dikirimkan oleh tim Google Adsense, ada juga banyak blogger yang sudah memberitahukan berita tentang Pembayaran Google Adsense melalui Western Union (WU). Seperti ketika pertama kali kita login ke halaman account adsense kita, akan disuguhi kata-kata yang bernada promosi dan provokatif dari pihak google seperti berikut ini:

Tired of waiting for your check payments? Try our new Western Union Quick Cash service which allows you to pick up your payment at a local Western Union branch Sign up today!

Ya memang ini berita menggembirakan, karena kita tidak perlu berlama-lama menunggu bayaran kita, dan tidak perlu repot-repot lagi mencari tempat untuk mencairkan cek adsense kita. Walaupun hanya personal publisher saja yang di perbolehkan, belum bisa mencakup ke business publisher.

Pada beberapa waktu lalu saya sendiri sudah berencana mengajak teman-teman publisher adsense Indonesia untuk mengirimkan email ke google yang intinya mengijinkan pengiriman pendapatan kita melalui WU. Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui, kita ketinggalan dengan Malaysia yang mana mereka sudah merasakan layanan ini beberapa waktu lalu.

Moga aja bulan ini sudah bisa merasakan layanan tersebut. Yup, kita tunggu aja!

Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

Get Internet on PSP

You may not know that a PSP can pick up free wireless internet! So many users are blissfully unaware of what their machine is capable of, but it can be quite easy to set up if you know what to do! This guide will tell you exactly how to get internet on your PSP!

You will need to obtain two essential needs before you can start surfing the web with your PSP. You must be able to get some form of wireless internet source. It could originate anywhere, either from within your own home or in your local Starbucks, you just need to be in an area where the internet is available. Psp wireless settings adhere to the 802.11b wireless networking protocols, probably the most common anywhere, so virtually any wireless network connection will work for this. You will also need to get hold of a copy of Wipeout:Pure, which you need to get internet on your PSP.

Ready to start? Now we will start to learn how to get internet on PSP!

Step 1- Switch on the PSP and go to the System Menu, and then enter “Network Settings”. Go from there to “Infrastructure mode”, and select a connection to edit. Select your home connection if you already have one set up. Don't alter the name of the profile, keep it as it is, and leave the WLAN settings alone if they are already set up.

Step2- Go into “Address Settings” click on “Custom” and make sure you leave “IP Address Setting” as Automatic. If you adjust this, you could have a lot of trouble getting internet on your PSP!

Step 3- Go into “DNS Setting” and click on manual. Here we need to enter the address of our web gateway. For this, the most popular one to use is the gateway at Endgadget, so enter the numbers “” as the Primary DNS IP, and put zeros for the Secondary DNS IP. ( If this gateway doesn't work for you, you can find alternatives by doing a quick search engine search.

Step 4- In the “Proxy Server” options, select “Do Not Use” Once you have done this, you just need to confirm everything, and when you are prompted to, save it all by pushing X.

Step 5- Launch Wipeout:Pure in the usual way, and go into the Downloads menu. As soon as you are asked to pick a connection, select the one that you have edited in the earlier steps, and you should find the Endgadget web screen right in front of you. That is how it is done! How to get internet on PSP!

As long as you have access to the resource mentioned earlier, it isn't difficult to get the internet on your PSP. When you have managed to get access to it, you will realise what a useful feature it is!

Download Free PSP Themes

You would probably like to download a free PSP theme. Virtually all PSP users do. The PSP has become an incredibly well known, and well loved, machine, and part of that is the flexibility it affords its users. Ipod socks are totally superfluous when you have the freedom to choose the exact way your PSP looks and behaves!

Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 1-Don't use the main Sony site!
A lot of people never bother to look beyond the main Sony Playstation website when they are looking for themes for their PSP. It is virtually impossible to find a unique PSP Theme if you are downloading it from the same place as everybody else. Although there is no shortage of themes to choose from on the main site, there are a lot of people choosing them. Look somewhere else!

Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 2- Do an internet search
A lot of people will use the main search engines to find out how to download a free PSP theme, but use a bit of clever thinking, and you can get what you want. Instead of doing a direct search engine search for themes, look for PSP communities on the internet? Try to see if you can find some forums or newsgroups. This can be a really useful source of resources, sometimes from members of the forum, and sometimes just from threads. You can find custom-made PSP Themes on these dedicated forums.

Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 3- Don’t use a download!
You can try using one of the simple art programs on your computer to design your own original Theme. Virtually any of the simple art programs will allow you to produce a simple wallpaper, and this should be compatible with your PSP as long as you create it as a JPEG file. Another possibility is to get someone who is good with art to actually design a theme for you. You can find a PSP forum which has some decent Themes, and ask whoever designed the themes you like the best if they will create one for you. Often they will be happy to do it, although they may charge you a little for doing the job.

You can do a lot more with downloading free PSP Themes than just following everybody else with EA games wallpapers etc from the official Sony site. Be original, and you will enjoy your PSP more!

Hot Signs Of Attraction

In today's society, beauty, physical attraction, and sexuality are all commonly misunderstood as some transcendent inevitable fact; falsely interlocking the three makes it seem doubly true that in order to initiate attraction between a man and a woman, both sexes should be beautiful to be sexual.

That of course is not true at all. The definitions of beautiful, attraction, and sexual constantly change to serve the social order, and the connection between the three ideas is a recent invention.

Some psychologists contend that the disparity among the concepts of beauty, attractions, and sexuality is based on the premise that both sexes are inclined to physical or sexual attraction because women are able to view men just as men view women, as subjects for sexual and aesthetic evaluation.

In a survey conducted by an "evolutionary psychologist," from 10,000 individuals who were interviewed, it was found out that men have high-regards to physical attraction in their budding sexual mates, while women attach importance to prominence, goals, and monetary sources.

No wonder why most cases of attraction are all based on sexuality and physical attributes. This is because men and women would rather have their significant others physically and sexually capable of giving them their necessities.

For instance, men are attracted to women who look good because this indicates excellent vigor and the capacity to produce offspring babies. On the other hand, women are attracted to men who look good because this indicates abundance in financial resources, in which, the ability to provide the basic necessities to their children is generated.

The point here is that both men and women may have their own basis for attraction but everything is generally focused on the physical and material aspects. This is because attraction is associated with the fact that the physical attributes motivate that part of the brain known as the "hypothalamus" that will produce different kinds of reactions from the body such as sexual arousal, increased heart rate, and perspiration.

So the question now is: How can the individual identify the clear signs of attraction?

There are many probable actions that might suggest attraction. However, the real signs include but not limited to the following:

1. Visual contact

This is when both a man and a woman gazed upon each other and instantly prolonged the moment as they look at each other longer than the typical glance.

Both are completely immersed on each other's anecdote, and every word will impress them both. All eyes are glued to each other that send a message that they are drawn to each other.

2. Preen

Preening means to adorn oneself carefully or to groom oneself with particular attention to details. Hence, attraction sets in when both would try to instantly make a quick fix and conquer each other's space.

3. Flirting

Teasing could have been the more appropriate term for it. This is when both sexes converse in a relaxed manner, with bodily actions associated to their thoughts and feelings, where, most often than not, sexual tensions and arousal are the primary upshots.

4. Physical contact

This is when a woman leans to wards the man and places a modest hand on his hand or arm. In this way, the woman is trying to tell the other person that she is attracted to him and that she is open to possibilities that involve the concerned person.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that the asymmetry of the correlation among beauty, attraction, and sexuality that tells both men and women lies on how they both perceive each other's physical attributes. This is inevitable because the lack of it will definitely keep them sexually estranged.

Attraction is generally focused on imagery that is exclusively on the physical attributes of both men and women, where the society has created a very important role. This goes to show that the signs of attraction indicate the clear identification of desirability.

Given all that, both men and women should make the choice, by and large, to take each other as human beings first and not just mere sexual objects.

It should be well noted that these signs of attraction may be well confined on the premise that both men and women send out these signs as a ticket to conquer each other's space so as to start the "getting-to-know-each-other" stage.

About Green Tea

Green tea is bottled and sold by many different companies in the United States. It has become as common as Pepsi or Coke in vending machines and convenience stores. With the overwhelming market saturation, you may be wondering what is the best green tea you can drink.

Green tea is a type of tea made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis or tea plant. It originated in China about 4,000 years ago and has since spread to Japan, Thailand and many more Middle Eastern countries. The varieties differ not only from geographical location but from growing conditions as well. A significant change in the weather from one year to the next can influence the quality of the tea. Each tea derives its name from the province in which it is grown.

Along with weather is the manner in which the tea is manufactured. Tea is grown on estates and each estate will have a specific grade of tea for the year. Many large-scale productions will mix teas from different estates and thereby dilute the quality green tea. For this reason, it is best to choose a single estate green tea.

That being said it can be difficult to find these types of teas and when you do, they may be extremely expensive. Such as some of the following types:

1. One of the oldest and well-known teas is Pu-erh tea. Named for Puer County near Simmao Yunnan China. It is made from the broad leaf of the tea tree and comes in two forms raw or cooked. Unlike many other forms of green tea, Puerh can be used immediately or aged for many years. The fact that it has such a long shelf life makes this one of the best green teas, however it is difficult to find authentic Pu-erh tea and when you do it will be very expensive.

2. Sencha Tea is another popular variety of green tea; this is a popular everyday tea from Japan. Made from flat dark green leaves this fragrant tea is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. Drinkers of this type of tea find it to also be one on the best green teas on the market for taste and cost. However, because brewing can be difficult, too long, or hot and it is bitter, it is not the best green tea.

3. Myou-Kou is a Japanese variety of green tea that is thicker and has a much bolder taste.


Green tea has many health benefits, weight loss, digestion, lowered blood pressure, and cholesterol. The choosing the best green tea has more to do with personal preference than anything else. As you can see from the small sample of green teas above, there are many varieties and each one has a distinctive flavor.

Honey the Amazing Food

Honey bees have been in Europe and Asia for hundreds of thousands of years. Honey has been found in the tombs of ancient Egyptian Pharos. Men harvesting honey have been found painted on the walls of caves by prehistoric man.

Honey is being rediscovered as a natural source of energy that also offers a unique combination of nutritional benefits. It is an instant energy-building food containing all the essential minerals necessary for life, all of the B complex group, amino acids, enzymes, and other vital factors. Honey is also virtually free of bacteria and rarely spoils. It is best kept at room temperature

Honey is a natural sweetener and can be used in many recipes as a replacement for sugar. It is one of the easiest foods to digest. Honey also contains hormones, and anti microbial and antibacterial factors. It has been used to combat depression, fatigue, insomnia, nervous disorders, urine retention, cramps, headaches, and high blood pressure. Honey also has been known to beautify and soothe the skin. It is said that honey can clear many skin disorders. Honey has a laxative, sedative, antitoxic, and antiseptic effect. It can also act as an anti-irritant, making it suitable for sensitive skin and baby care products. Honey could soon be marketed as a way to combat the effects of ageing. Honey has been used for centuries to treat coughing and other effects of infections in the upper respiratory system and is known to combat bacteria as well as having a soothing effect.

Honey bees are the only insects that make food for us. Honey is a sweet, thick sugary solution made by bees. Bees make honey from the nectar of flowers. They will travel as far as 40,000 miles and can visit over 2 million flowers to produce one pound of honey. Honey bees are responsible for about 80% of all fruit, vegetable and seed crops in the United States. Honey comes in all types of colors and flavors from nearly colorless to dark brown and its flavor varies from delectably mild to distinctively bold, depending on where the honey bees buzzed. Pollen analysis is a valuable tool for honey identification, however it should be pointed out that this is always used in conjunction with other information before a final determination is made.

Varietal honeys like wild crafted raspberry honey, wild crafted blackberry honey, orange blossom honey, California chestnut honey, wild crafted star thistle honey, not to mention the occasional rare variety like meadow foam honey are some of the fine honeys. Comb honey is the most natural honey of all. Honey vary's in color and flavor, because there are so many different kinds of nectar-producing flowers. Varietal honey is rarely 100% of any one type of flower nectar but a blend from bee yards with a predominance of one type of flower forage. Honey is a reflection of the place from which it is harvested, even more so than wine. Honey is produced in every state, but depending on the floral source location, certain types of honey are produced only in a few regions. Honey is also produced in most countries of the world. Honey is unlike any other ingredient in nature. It is a safe and wholesome food for children and adults alike.

Commercially produced honey is filtered and pasteurized (sometimes even diluted with syrup), so the amount of bee pollen in it is probably low, hence the belief that allergy cases related to the consumption of honey are rare. Various ingredients of honey have helped it to become not only a sweet liquid but also a natural product with high nutritional and medicinal value.

Creating a Greenhouse With Little Space

A good greenhouse need not be always big and spacious. Although those requirements are ideal for big plant growers and commercial greenhouses, those who only have a small area for a greenhouse can also have their own by building a mini version of a greenhouse.

Gardeners who are much into planting and growing crops but have a limited garden space have an option to build a mini greenhouse. This mini greenhouse can actually be placed anywhere such as on balconies, patios, backyards, and decks as the typical size is just around 6 square feet. Though small, it also provides the same benefits that the regular greenhouses do.

Mini greenhouses are also ideal for those are just beginners in the greenhouse technology. Before venturing into building a big one, it is best to learn how greenhouse works and know the different things needed to have an ideal growing condition for the plants. And this learning process for beginners can be done by starting with mini greenhouses.

A mini greenhouse can be used to start plant growth before the cold season in a particular area. Once the weather gets better and warmer, these healthy plants and crops planted inside the greenhouse can now be transplanted outside into the garden. This will allow for early harvesting of crops. A huge selection of seeds can also be planted in the greenhouse which makes planting a lot more fun for hobbyists and gardeners.

There are a good variety of herbs and lettuce that can be grown healthily and successfully in mini-greenhouses even for the whole year. Other delectable vegetables such as Swiss chard, spinach, and kale can also be planted and grown inside the mini-greenhouse. These would make for a great bowl of salad with freshly-picked greens even during the cold season. That would be wonderful for you and your guests.

Mini greenhouses are also useful with tender perennial plants. The greenhouse can protect them from ice, snow and frost during the winter season. They can be placed in plant containers and stay healthy inside the mini structure until spring begins. Once the weather becomes friendly enough, these plants can then be again transplanted into the garden outside for a much healthier environment.

The decorative plants commonly found inside the house can be given a healthy change by placing them inside the mini greenhouse and placing them outside during the summer months. This mini structure can offer tropical plants a humid climate. Miniature greenhouses, just like the regular ones, maximize the amount of sunlight and make the most out of the heat absorbed. It also provides the needed protection of plants from rain, wind, destructive insects and other pests in the garden such as rabbits.

Since mini gardens or greenhouses can be as light as possible because of their small structure, they may be easily blown by wind or knocked over by pets and kids. Thus, it is recommended that these small gardens be placed or mounted in to a wall or garage than be a free standing structure. It is best to place them in a location where there is enough sunlight but be safe from other outside factors as well. There are also do-it-yourself greenhouse kits available in the market that include complete instructions and step-by-step guide for a beginner to build a mini greenhouse in not time. These kits can also be inexpensive and can commonly accommodate up to three shelves.

So should one really choose to have a full-sized greenhouse or just go with a miniature one? Even if a big space is available for a full-sized greenhouse, having a small one may be more practical. If the main purpose of having a greenhouse is to grow only a few plants, germinate seeds, or provide protection during the colder season, having a mini greenhouse is just fine. Also, the cost to maintain small greenhouses are significantly lower than the full-sized ones because of the several factors that need to be maintained.

Thus, it is recommended that gardeners have a greenhouse, even a mini one. This structure can prove to be a good investment and yield better results than just doing the traditional gardening. And if one really finds happiness in caring for plants and harvesting a few crops, greenhouse-gardening can definitely offer lifetime enjoyment.

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

Probiotics – Essential Components of our Health

It is not common that someone comes across the word 'Probiotics' often. Probiotics are essentially a class of helpful bacteria or certain microorganisms present inside the human gastro-intestinal tract. It is these helpful microbes which help in protecting the body against a variety of harmful bacteria and other ailments.

The basic functions of such probiotics is to interact adversely with the incoming pathogen that may cause considerable harm to the body and kill it. They keep a constant vigil inside the human body and play a vital role in disease prevention. They do so by playing an active role in providing immunity to the individual.

However, it is quite a difficult task for any individual to constantly maintain the required level of probiotics inside the body. In other words, it is very important for an individual to monitor the quantity of these 'good' bacteria in the body. One can easily maintain a high index of such micro-organisms in the body by staying away from oily and spicy food and by adhering to a proper diet regime, consisting of green vegetables and fruits.

The activity of these probiotics inside the body can be summarized as follows :

1. These bacteria help in the removal of harmful toxins from the body by flushing them out of the system. They help in complete elimination of excretory products from the body and prevent the absorption of such harmful wastes in the circulatory system of the body.
2. They help in the metabolism of certain food products inside the body and help in the conversion of many food products into helpful metabolites.
3. Some of these bacteria are also of great importance from the scientific point of view. In other words, there are numerous research projects that are being carried out to determine the level to which they can be helpful therapeutically. Scientists have made considerable breakthrough in the tests carried out for the treatment of 'cancer'. Such developments in the field of medicine would revolutionize the way many people are treated for various ailments because it is a considerably cheaper way of treating a patient.
4. Probiotics are essentially employed to aid the process of digestion in an individual. Many of the companies manufacturing products incorporated with such bacteria include curd manufacturing companies.

Thus, it can be seen very well that probiotics have become a necessity in today's world. Such microorganisms are essential to be incorporated in the food products consumed by us for a better health.

Google Adsense Watches for Multiple Clicks From the Same Domain

The darkest nightmare a hardworking affiliate webmaster fears is receiving a dreaded Google Adsense Warning, or even worse, a notice that Google Adsense has been disabled for the entire account.

The notice starts out like this:-it has come to our attention that invalid clicks have been generated on the ads on your web pages. We have therefore disabled your Google Adsense account. Please understand that this step was taken in an effort to protect the interest of the AdWords advertisers."
Some webmasters use Google Adsense to generate 100% of their website income and the account may hold many different websites. In that case, every website is disabled at one time. An automatic disqualification can be devastating, for more details visit to www.instant-adsense-dollars.com especially when Google has no obligation to explain its decision in detail. Advertisements can cost a good amount of money, especially for popular blogs, if a company is able to secure such a space, it can benefit from the publicity, and you, moreover, can benefit from the advertising fees that you set but blogs aren’t the only way to make money online. You could open an online store. You could sell things on eBay. EBay is the world's most popular auction site, with thousands of users buying, selling, and trading every conceivable item every day.
Not only does the account become disabled, but also existing click-through earnings are refunded back to the advertisers.
Life gets tough, but is it that easy to get an account banned? Yes it is.
The terms of service every Google Adsense Webmaster accepts, describes the easy do's and don'ts.
Do use the Adsense approved formats only
Do keep your click-through data and income private.
Don't display Adsense on registration or thank you pages.
Don't use Adsense code and a competitor's content-targeted advertisement on the same page.
The easiest method an account can be banned is by a Webmaster clicking on the site's own ads. Just how many click-throughs are needed to get a site banned isn't exposed, but Google Adsense watches for multiple clicks from the same domain. One person was banned who clicked twice from the same domain within a 24-hour period. That doesn't mean that is Adsense policy, for more details visit to www.youradsenseprofits.com because Adsense appears to place suspect sites on watch status until the action is duplicated. Spikes in click-through percentages are hefty red flags. Those are the changes worth becoming proactive over by emailing Google Adsense. A site that rises from a consistent 1% click-through rate to a 10% click-through rate on one day could become suspect. The actual percentage that creates the flag isn't made public for obvious reasons.
What's the safest way to protect an account?

Senin, 02 Februari 2009

Status Kali Jagir ditetapkan siaga merah

Fotografer - Imam Wahyudiyanta
Imbas hujan yang terus mengguyur, debit air di Kali Jagir, Surabaya meningkat. Peningkatan debit itu sudah status siaga merah karena debit air lebih dari 220 meter kubik per detiknya. Tiga pintu air pun dibuka untuk mengantisipasi


Minggu, 01 Februari 2009

Hyundai Genesis Coupe

Hyundai Genesis Coupe
Hyundai unveiled Genesis Coupe, the new benchmark for attainable 300-horsepower sport coupes, during a press conference at the New York International Auto Show. The 2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe is a purpose-built rear-wheel drive sport coupe featuring two performance-focused engines - a 212-horsepower (est.), 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine and a range-topping all-aluminum, 306-horsepower (est.), DOHC 3.8-liter V6 engine. Hyundai Genesis Coupe is scheduled to join the Hyundai lineup in the spring of 2009.


Following the introduction earlier this year of the rear-wheel drive Genesis sport sedan, Hyundai Genesis Coupe is Hyundai's most dynamic performance car ever and the second consecutive all-new model introduction from Hyundai appealing directly to the car enthusiast. Hyundai Genesis Coupe uses the same flexible rear-wheel drive architecture originally developed for the Genesis sport sedan.

"We think our entry-level Genesis Coupe 2.0t, with its unique combination of rear-wheel drive and four-cylinder turbo power, offers an intriguing alternative to existing front-wheel drive sport coupes," said John Krafcik, vice president, product development and strategic planning, Hyundai Motor America. "The 3.8-liter version of Genesis Coupe takes driving to an even higher level, rivaling the capability of premium-performance coupes like the Infiniti G37."


2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe Genesis Coupe was shown as a concept at the 2007 Los Angeles Auto Show and its transformation from concept to production reveals that its signature design features have emerged intact.

"The mission for Genesis Coupe was to create a pure performance car with a design that would capture the imagination of hardcore automotive enthusiasts," said Joel Piaskowski, chief designer at the Hyundai Design Center in Irvine, Calif. "With its aggressive look from just about any angle, I think we have been able to do that."

Hyundai Genesis Coupe is also unmistakably linked to several Hyundai concept cars. The powerful curves, undulating beltline, surface detail, and "Z" bodyside lines come straight from the HCD9 Talus and the HCD8 sport coupe concepts.

Hyundai Genesis Coupe's rocker panels are drawn close to the ground making the bodysides extra thick and the daylight opening thin, allowing the wheels to be slammed up into bulging fenders. To complete the aggressive sports car look, the depth between the fenders and the greenhouse has been maximized.

Large openings in the front fascia allow for better engine breathing. The dual exhaust tips integrated into the rear fascia with surrounding blackout repeat the design theme of the front fascia graphic.

Hyundai Genesis Coupe rides on standard 18-inch alloy wheels or optional 19-inch wheels, both delivering a bold stance and aggressive handling.


In keeping with its mission to be the most exciting, attainable sport coupe on the road, the Hyundai Genesis Coupe boasts a cockpit designed to enhance the driving experience. An information display screen features an outside temperature reading and audio system information. Analog gauges include a large speedometer and tachometer positioned so the driver can immediately access critical driving information. The instrument cluster features Hyundai's signature blue gauge illumination.

Bucket front seats with large side bolsters offer excellent lateral support for enthusiastic driving. High-quality seating surfaces range from full black fabric on the Hyundai Genesis Coupe GS and GT, to optional full black or brown leather on the GT, to red cloth inserts with black leather bolsters on the SE.

Among the other refinements are an Infinity audio system and two-stage front seat warmers. Hyundai Genesis Coupe also offers the convenience of a Smart Key and push-button starter.


Hyundai Genesis Coupe's body shell is rich in ultra-high-tensile steel. Hyundai Genesis Coupe is lighter than the Infiniti G37, and its chassis is also 24 percent stiffer in bending rigidity than the BMW E46 M3. Rear-wheel drive provides a 55:45 front/rear weight distribution.


Two engines infuse Hyundai Genesis Coupe with performance. The 3.8-liter Lambda DOHC V6 engine delivers an estimated 306 horsepower (310 horsepower using premium fuel) and 263 lb.-ft. of torque on regular unleaded. This engine will launch the Hyundai Genesis Coupe from 0 to 60 miles per hour in under six seconds. To maximize the power band, the 3.8-liter engine utilizes Continuously Variable Valve Timing (CVVT) on intake cam shafts and a new Variable Intake System (VIS) that helps cylinders breathe efficiently at both low and high RPM. The better breathing results in outstanding off-the-line acceleration and passing performance, and remarkable fuel efficiency. The V6 engine uses an alloy block and cylinder heads for lighter weight and thermal efficiency, and features timing chains with no scheduled maintenance.

The turbocharged, intercooled 2.0-liter DOHC inline four-cylinder benefits from CVVT on both the intake and exhaust camshafts. The 2.0-liter turbo generates an estimated 212 horsepower (223 horsepower using premium fuel) and 217 lb.-ft. of torque. It also features a cast-aluminum cylinder block and cylinder head. Both engines feature a free flowing dual cat-back exhaust and an available limited slip differential to put the power to the ground.


Hyundai Genesis Coupe employs a MacPherson strut dual-link front suspension and a five-link rear suspension setup. The front suspension is mounted to the body via a solid subframe which is lighter and stronger than a multi-piece component would be. To help reduce body roll and tune the Hyundai Genesis Coupe's at-the-limit handling for maximum predictability, 23-mm diameter front and 18-mm diameter rear stabilizer bars are used.

While all Hyundai Genesis Coupe models offer a fun and sporty driving experience, the high-performance Hyundai Genesis Coupe SE is a most willing partner for the true enthusiast. The SE's track-tuned sport suspension features a stiffer front spring rate, stiffer rear spring rate and unique shock valving. Hyundai Genesis Coupe SE delivers an increase in roll control over the GS. Superb structural rigidity sets the foundation for precisely-tuned handling performance in all Hyundai Genesis Coupes.


Hydraulic rack-and-pinion steering with a quick ratio gear delivers both linearity and agility. The steering is also engine-RPM sensing.


Both engines are mated to a standard six-speed manual transmission. The Hyundai Genesis Coupe 2.0t offers an optional five-speed automatic with SHIFTRONIC® while the 3.8-liter V6 offers a ZF six-speed automatic transmission with SHIFTRONIC to handle the additional torque.

Drivers can access the SHIFTRONIC® feature by moving the gear selector into a separate gate. Pushing the selector forward or pulling it rearward will shift the transmission up or down sequentially, adding to driver control. A clear LCD readout on the instrument panel shows the gear that's in use.


Brembo four-piston calipers clamp down on 13.4-inch front brake rotors and 13-inch rear rotors on SE models. All other models get substantial 12.6-inch front ventilated rotors and 12.4-inch rotors in the rear with floating single piston calipers.


The 2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe offers Xenon high-intensity discharge (HID) headlights. The advantages of HID headlamps include greater lighting power, daylight-type lighting and reduced power consumption. In addition, the cut lines of the new HID headlights are extremely precise, providing maximum nighttime visibility without distracting other drivers.

Music lovers will welcome the 2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe's standard auxiliary input jacks (3.5 mm mini-jack and USB input) to accommodate and charge audio devices such as iPods®. When an iPod or flash drive is connected through the USB port, located in the center storage compartment, not only does it play music through the vehicle's audio system, but it also charges the iPod and allows the driver to access tracks with the steering wheel audio controls. This system also allows both driver and passengers to easily view song/artist/title information and control the music from the audio head unit rather than only the iPod itself.


In keeping with Hyundai's focus on offering segment-leading standard safety technologies across its lineup, the 2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe includes a wide range of both active and passive safety features. Standard safety technology includes driver and front passenger advanced frontal airbags, along with front seat-mounted side airbags, side air curtains and active front head restraints.

Hyundai Genesis Coupe has strong unibody construction, along with front and rear crumple zones, bodyside reinforcements, and five-mph energy-absorbing bumpers. The hood also includes buckling creases and safety stops.

The front seatbelts have pretensioners and force limiters, and the rear seats feature LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children), which make affixing child safety seats easier.

All Hyundai Genesis Coupe models feature standard four-channel ABS with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD) to optimize brake performance under various dynamic loading conditions. The system also includes Brake Assist, which provides maximum ABS-level braking force when a panic stop is detected.

Electronic Stability Control (ESC), one of the industry's most effective life-saving technologies, is standard in all Hyundai Genesis Coupes. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) studies suggest vehicles equipped with ESC experience 56 percent fewer fatalities in single-vehicle crashes.


The Hyundai Genesis Coupe is offered in three trim levels: the stylish and affordable GS, the premium-sport GT featuring the 3.8-liter V6, and the high-performance SE, available with either the 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine or the 3.8-liter V6 engine.


- 2.0-liter turbocharged, intercooled four-cylinder engine
- Electronic Stability Control
- Traction Control System
- Tire Pressure Monitoring System
- Front, side, side air curtain air bags
- Active front head restraints
- Manual A/C
- Keyless entry
- Power windows, door locks, and mirrors
- AM/FM/XM/CD Player/USB/iPod connectivity
- Steering wheel audio controls
- Cruise control
- Vanity mirror illumination
- Bluetooth

GS equipment Plus:

- 3.8-liter DOHC V6
- Leather steering wheel / Shift knob
- Metalgrain /chrome interior accents
- Automatic temperature control
- Fog lamps
- Premium door sill plates
- Trip computer
- Chrome front fascia accents
- Auto light control

Unique SE equipment:

- 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder or 3.8-liter DOHC V6
- HID headlights
- Aluminum pedals
- Manual A/C
- 19-inch alloy wheels
- High performance Bridgestone Potenza RE050A summer tires
- Brembo braking system with monobloc four-piston calipers
- SE track-tuned suspension / front strut brace
- Limited-slip differential
- Black leather bolsters / red cloth insert seats
- Rear spoiler
- Aero wiper blades

Sources :www.automotiveaddicts.com
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